The cards, formerly in the Music Reading Room, have been scanned and made available for browsing online so it is now possible search the card catalogues remotely, without having to come to the reading room. The material contained in them, previously ordered on green slips in the reading room, can now be requested remotely, using the online request form provided.
In fact, several distinct catalogues are included here:
For more information on what’s included in each catalogue, please consult the Finding Aids LibGuide for Music (
To expand the branches of the ‘tree’ in the left-hand panel, click on the arrow heads to the left of the folders or, where there is no arrow head, on the folder itself. Once you drill down below the level of initial letters, the index term given alongside the folders represents the heading on the first card in each sequence. Move from one card to the next by using the left and right arrow buttons at the top of the screen or, to jump to another point in the ‘drawer’, drag the round button along the bar at the foot of the screen. With a card selected in the viewer, to submit a stack request for the item, click the ‘i’ button in the top right corner of the screen and fill in your details on the form provided. Music staff will then place a stack request on your behalf for the item to be delivered to Duke Humfrey’s Library.
While it is recognised that this resource falls short of the comprehensive inclusion of full-level catalogue records for all music materials in SOLO, it is hoped that the increased access it will provide will be a substantial improvement on the former situation. The data from most of these cards is expected to be loaded into SOLO during 2014.